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Sports Injury Physical Therapy

A young man sits on his couch with a knee brace on, his soccer ball sits next to him. He is sad.Sports are an important part of our culture in the United States. Whether you play professionally, in a community league, or occasionally with friends, you love getting out and playing your favorite sport. Your team has become family and you enjoy pushing yourself to the next level. A sports injury is the last thing that any player wants to experience but the reality is that an injury is likely going to happen.

Some sports are more dangerous than others. Contact sports such as football can produce a higher number of injuries than other noncontact sports, though injuries are a common part of playing sports regardless of the type. Whether your sports injury is the result of game play or overuse of a muscle, the end result is the same: you can’t play while injured.

You are concerned for your future.

How long will I be out of the game?
Will I ever be able to play again?
Will I experience chronic pain after my injury?

When can I start physical therapy for my sports injury?

Every injury is different and requires a different rehabilitation process. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may be able to start therapy right away, or you may have to wait for certain healing processes to start. Sprains, strains, fractures and dislocations all require different healing times and you will need to avoid certain movements. Your physical therapist can help guide you in maintaining your mobility and increasing your activities levels during the course of your recovery by using the most up to date information in sports medicine. With the guidance of our experienced therapists, we will help you get back to playing as efficiently as possible.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a referral to seek physical therapy treatment. Additionally, if your physician refers you to physical therapy, you can always choose where you would like to go. However, at Advantage Therapy Services we will work closely with your physician to provide the most comprehensive care.

Resistance bands are used for sports injury physical therapyWhy choose Advantage Therapy Services as your physical therapist?

Unlike other physical therapy offices, you will spend your entire session with the physical therapist in a one-on-one environment dedicated to your recovery.

Our physical therapist, Rylan Willis, graduated from California State University, Fresno, with a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and has expertise in treating neurologic, orthopedic, and chronic pain conditions. Life changes drastically after an injury, and Rylan will provide the most efficient, personalized, and compassionate care possible to get you moving again.

Call us today to schedule your sports injury physical therapy evaluation and start on the road to recovery.