a large field of purple flowers

Pediatric Speech Therapy Services

pediatric speech therapy in ChicoCommunication Difficulties in Children Can Be Frustrating

Has your child been identified as a “late talker” or has difficulty communicating? You are concerned and have been told to try the “wait and see” approach but that doesn’t settle well with you. You know what your child is trying to say, but it is hard for others to understand their gestures or communication efforts. We understand that this can be frustrating not only for your child, but for their  parents and teachers.

You are worried about your child’s future.

Your child is falling behind their peers and you want to help them develop their communication skills.

Your child is falling behind their peers and you want to help them develop and excel in their communication skills.
Is there an underlying medical issue?
Is this somehow my fault?
How can I find a pediatric speech therapist near me to help?

Speech-language pathologists, otherwise known as pediatric speech therapists, are highly trained to assess language development and speech production in children of all ages. The team at Advantage Therapy Services can set goals for your child, help your child reach developmental milestones, and help them catch up with their peers. This will not only improve their confidence but it will assist in limiting communication related frustration in the home or at school.

A speech therapist working with a young toddler with brown hair and a blue shirt.How does the assessment work?

For the first part of your visit, we will complete a full evaluation and in order to determine how your child best communicates, what they understand, the strength of their attention span, their social skills, and their ability to participate in play. Each of these areas is incredibly important for understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses which assists us in creating goals and helping your child reach their full potential.

After the initial part of the evaluation, we will go over the results to determine if therapy is recommended for your child. At this time, we will identify where your child is falling behind and where they excel.

Play-Based Therapy

Our team provides play-based therapy for your child in order to target all the areas and goals that we discussed during the evaluation. In addition to your scheduled appointments, we will provide you with parent training and home program activities to help you continue to improve your child’s speech and language development at home.

There is so much we can do to build a language-rich environment for children. Our pediatric speech therapists are experienced in providing all the guidance you need to set your child up for success and improve their communication.

Call us today to schedule an appointment for the best pediatric speech therapy in Chico, California. Together, we will help your child reach their full potential.