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Pediatric Physical Therapy

A young mom holds her toddler on a blow up exercise ball. They are both smiling.It can be tough watching your child struggle to keep up with peers.

Is your child having difficulty keeping up with their friends? Are they having trouble reaching developmental milestones? You have been told “they will catch up eventually” or “just watch and wait” but you aren’t seeing the changes you want. We understand it can be frustrating waiting for your child to catch up with their peers.

You are worried that your child is not reaching developmental milestones.

Your child is falling behind but you don’t know how to help them.

You want to see them excel in development, play and mobility.
Is there an underlying medical issue?
Am I doing something wrong?
How do I know when to seek help?

Physical therapists can help! Our physical therapists are highly trained to assess development and motor skills in kids of all ages. We will help set goals for your child, help them reach their developmental milestones, and help them catch up with their peers. This will help improve their confidence, coordination, and balance during play. Even more, we will give you the tools to help further your child’s development.

A young boy is climbing a ladder at 45 degrees with his mom spotting him, cheering him on.What happens during an assessment?

In your first visit we will spend 30-60 minutes doing an in-depth assessment of your child’s motor skills. This assessment will help us determine areas of strength and weakness. Furthermore, this assessment will give us a baseline measurement for future assessments. We use the information gathered to help set goals and determine the best course of treatment for your child.

After the initial part of the evaluation, we will go over the results to determine if therapy is recommended. At this time, we will identify where your child is falling behind and where they excel.


Play-Based Therapy

Our team provides play-based therapy for your child in order to target all the areas and goals that we discussed during the evaluation. In addition to your scheduled appointments, we will provide you with parent training and home program activities to help you continue to improve your child’s motor skills.

There is so much we can do to build a rich environment for our children. Our physical therapists are experienced in providing the guidance you need to set your child up for success and improve their motor skills.

Call us today to schedule a pediatric physical therapy evaluation for your child.